So this year I took the plunge and decided to change the grade that I was teaching. I had to ask myself how do I know when it is a good time to change teaching assignments? There were many factors that went into this decision. At first it didn’t seem like such a large undertaking or at least that is what I told myself. I was going from a Grade 1 class into the Kindergarten room. I know there had been three teachers in the room since I had started at the school. I was listening to the challenges and successes from each of them. The following are the five main things I have learned so far in the process.
First, it is a true labour of love.
If you are asking yourself how to know when it is a good time to change teaching assignments? Make sure you really want the change, that you will truly love it when it is all said and done because it is a process. Teachers are by nature, hoarders. We do this because resources are limited and we might actually need something at a later date. We also do this because we often spend our own money to buy things and don’t want to throw our pay checks away.
The trouble with this is, it can accumulate over time and become overwhelming. For both the teachers in the room and also any new teachers coming in. This takes some serious time to go through the piles and decide what is worth keeping. To discard anything broken, outdated or any abundance of multiples.
My last classroom had absolutely nothing in it so this was a very different situation for me to have. If you get a classroom that has full cupboards. It is important to take these resources and make them work best for you. The first thing I did when I started going through my resources was make a really cool imagination station. In the room there was a shelf with multiple compartments. There were many art supplies in the storage cupboard. I quickly knew I wanted the kids to have easier access to them in a way that was less teacher directed. So I started filling the bins with all of the supplies. This is similar to a STEAM area in a classroom. The cupboards quickly had space and the kids will have more choice during centre time, win-win.
Second, there will be lots of staring.
On Instagram there was a post of a teacher describing the staring that can take place when you are entering a new classroom. This struck me as so funny! I went through several stages of staring during my decision process of the actual room. Then I took some photographs and did some more staring. I am a very visual person and this helped me to envision how I would do classroom set up and where everything will go as I waited to begin the process.
Since I have been in there I have documented the process further so I can make tweaks without actually being in the building. A little obsessive I know ha but also great to feel motivated and excited again about a new adventure. Overtime I think even with the best of intentions we become complacent, crunchy and in need of change. We start to rely on things that we know work and have less adventures. If you are experiencing these feelings a change may be just what you need.
Third, it will cost a lot to change teaching assignments.
How to know if it’s a good time to change teaching assignments? If you’re like me money will be spent. The Kindergarten curriculum in Ontario is based on a play-based model. The trouble with that is our government supplies no resources. Schools need toys to provide a play-based environment. No funds specific to this model are provided. Two things happen in schools. Students do without needed resources or teachers spend their own money.
There are an increasing amount of teachers that for many reasons don’t want to or can not spend money on their classrooms. I absolutely understand this. It should not be an expectation to spend money on your classroom. There are little to no resources. Kids are suffering because of this. Cost of living has gone crazy and teachers need their well earned pay checks for their own families.
On the flip side I choose to spend money this year because the creation of a beautiful classroom brings me joy. I wanted my room to look and feel a certain way. I know it will bring the kids engagement and I felt it was a good investment. In saying this please know it is a personal choice and you should do what feels right to you. No one should have an opinion of whatever your choice is, as it is a personal one. The government should also 100% be providing the required resources to allow our students to thrive.
The Forth consideration when deciding whether or not to change teaching assignments? Learning a new curriculum.
For me this wasn’t a major factor. I had been an ECE for ten years prior to teaching in a classroom so I knew the expectations, how to document learning, great ways to engage young learners in student-led learning. To read more information on student-led learning check out my blog post here. So it didn’t feel scary to me. Change can feel scary and it can be hard in all aspects of life. Especially when you feel comfortable in your groove. So this is something to think about. It is likely you already spent money on resources for your current grade and you will need to start from scratch. Don’t be afraid to ask your administrator to help with this. Administration should and likely will purchase things you need if you have solid research based resources that you are seeking.
Fifth, the last but not least consideration to a change in teaching assignments, giving up your personal time.
It will take a substantial amount of time to set up your classroom. Put up new bulletin boards, rearrange the furniture, create a calm environment. Your summer will be spent preparing, nurturing and thinking about this change. To some this is a nice addition to the process to others that are in a year that requires rest and a break may it may be the deciding factor on why you choose not to change. So it really depends on how you are feeling that particular year. Last year I needed a total break from work there was no way I was thinking about changing.
Covid was a very difficult time. It has been traumatic on the entire world really and I needed a complete mental break last summer. Changing grades was the furthest from my mind. This summer I was ready. It felt like it would be the right time. I had spent six years in Special Education and Six in Grade 1/2 with two maternity leaves in the mix. I have about six more years before I’m ready to make the change into administration so this was a good fit. Whatever you decided as the opportunities present themselves take the right amount of time to make the best choice for you. Good luck and sent me a message if you have any additional questions to this process.
With Love, C.
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