My Short Vowels Book


Hello from Priceless in Primary. I am a Canadian Teacher from Sault Ste. Marie, ON. This is My Short Vowel Book. An activity book to help your students learn what vowels are and also what they sound like when they are found in words. With a quick review at the end of the book for all the vowels to solidify their learning.


Hello from Priceless in Primary. I am a Canadian Teacher from Sault Ste. Marie, ON. This is My Short Vowel Book. An activity book to help your students learn what vowels are and also what they sound like when they are found in words. With a quick review at the end of the book for all the vowels to solidify their learning.

“Short, Sharp and Shiny” as my Admin likes to say. I also say effective. I have included a colour and black and white version for printing ease. To extend this activity and further align it with S.O.R. you can give your students alphabet magnets and practice segmenting and blending the words on each page whole group, small group or 1:1.

Please message anytime to let me know what you think or if there are things that you would like to see.


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